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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Alien Virus

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Game Name : Alien Virus
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-20 23:59:48
Views : 25391

Walkthrough :
01. Open the cockpit hatch.
02. Take the toolbox in the cockpit . You well get strippers, tape and
cable. 03. Use the button in the cockpit a light should start blinking,
then exit the cockpit. 04. Use the wire strippers on the broken cable to
the right of the robot. 05. Use the tape on the stripped wire, then open
the door next to it. 06. Take the cartridge and the battery off the
07. Take the cloth off the trash can and use it on the bottle that is on
the shelf, then take the cloth from the bottle. The cloth well be soaked
with water.
08. Go back to the previous room the Hanger.
09. There should be a light blinking on the ship, this is the energy
tap. Use the cable on the battery then use the battery on the energy
10. Open the battery box on the robot and use the charged battery on the
opened battery box. 11. Try to open the door behind the ship, then chat
with the robot he well unlock the door. 12. Go back to the door behind
the ship and open it, then go to the first intersection and take the
lamp off the wall to the left then open that door.
13. Open the second locker door and take the memory card. 14. Go back to
the Hanger and chat with the robot and give him the memory card. 15. Go
back to the intersection and use the memory card on the key reader on
the door to the right then open the door.
16. Take the neon bulb from above the workbench and use the neon bulb on
the lamp. 17. Take the jar off the workbench and use the soaked cloth on
the jar. The jar well then be filled with water.
18. Go back to the intersection and use the memory card on the key
reader infront of you then open that door. You well now be in the suit
room go to the right and open the door in
the decompression room. You well enter another intersection. Open the
door to the left.
and go to the back room.
19. Open the cupboard and take the two containers and the wrench off the
shelves. 20. Open the cardboard box that is on the ground under the
table to the left and take the dynamite. 21. Go back to the intersection
and open the door to the right and take the brush off the shelf on the
22. Go back to the previous room and open the door infront of you. You
well come to another intersection. Use the wrench on the door to the
left then click on the open door.
23. Chat with the man on the ground then give him the water and chat
with him again. He well give you a datapad and a keycard.
24. Open the door to the right of the man then go right again. Use the
keycard on the key reader and open the door. You well then be in the
security office.
25. Use the wrench to break the glass on the case on the wall to the
left and take the axe. 26. Take the flares off the ground that is
infront of you to the right. 27. Open the door to the left, to enter the
28. Open the desk drawer and take the control room card and the torch.
The desk is located in the back right side of the room.
29. Use the key card on the key reader by the door to the right, then
open the door. 30. You well see a safe, use the dynamite on the safe and
quickly go back to the office where it is safe.

31. Go back to the security office and use the fire button in the case
where the axe was. 32. Return to the room with the safe and take the two
fire boxes. One of the boxes you can open but the other you need to use
the axe. In the boxes you well find a destruct key,
resizer gun and a structure map.
33. Go back to the office and use the hidden button that is on the right
side of the desk, that is in the back of the room. The button well turn
on the key reader on the left of the desk.
34. Use the control room card on the key reader left of the desk. You
well then be in the control room.
35. Chat with the human interface. Give him the cartridge and he well
give you a map and turn on the hand reader in the office.
36. Go back to the office and use the hand reader on the right wall. You
well now be able to get into the room to the right in the intersection
where the scanner is.
37. Use the control room card on the control room key reader again to
get into the control room and open the door to the right to get back to
the intersection.
38. Use the scanner on the right side and then open that door. 39. Open
the door to the left. You well be in a locker room. 40. Use the wrench
on the half open cupboard and take the food off the ground. 41. Use the
resizer gun on both the suits on the left. 42. Go back to the pervious
room and open the door to the right. 43. Take the paint off the shelf to
the right.
44. Use the resizer gun on the box on the floor.
45. Click on the vent that is above the box then click on it again, to
enter the air ducts. Use the map to find your way to the next level.
46. When you find your way out of the air duct, click on the man to talk
to him. 47. Use the lamp.
48. Take all three color coded cards off the ground and then click on
the open bars to go to the next room.
49. Click on the corpse that is to the right of the bared doors infront
of you. You well get a key, handcuff and datapad card.
50. Use the blue, red, green card on the key reader on the left cell
door, then open the door. 51. Take the beacon that is to the right and
the straight jacket to the left. 52. Go back to the pervious room and
use the red, green, blue card on the key reader on the cell door to the
right, then open the door.
53. Take the metal piece off the ground.
54. Click on the hole in the wall to the left then click on the hole in
the wall to the right. 55. Open the robot paunch on the robot to get a
charge block, security key and glue. 56. Go back to the cell block were
the corpse is and use the glue on the hand of the corpse. Then use the
hand on the bloody scanner.
57. Use the scanner on the other side of the door, then open the door.
You will be in a hallway click once more in front of you, to come to a
room with two doors one to the left and to the right.
58. Open the door to the right and you will be in a room with three
doors. Use the security key on the scanner to the left and then open
that door.
59. Talk to Randell Canillon on the right and give him the food. 60.
Take the grease off the desk, to the left of Renza Boro. You will throw
the grease into the vent hole above Renza Boro.
61. Use the socket on the left were the heaters are plugged into. 62.
Use the charge block on the solar accelerator and then use the plug on
the ground, to turn the heater back on. Exit this room.
63. Open the door infront of you. Use the strippers on the blue cable,
on the ground to the left.

64. Use the charge block on the charge tap on the panel to the left then
take the food box. 65. Go back to the hallway and open the door to the
left. You will be in a room with three more doors, use the scanner
infront of you and open that door. You will now be in the elevator.
66. Open the cupboard on the right and take the oxygen tank. 67. Take
the chain that is in the elevator to the left. 68. Take the neon bulb
off the ceiling of the elevator and use it on your lamp. 69. Use the
second button on the elevator control.
70. Open the hatch on the ceiling of the elevator and then click on the
opening, to go up the shift. 71. Open the door that is above the
elevator in the shift infront of you. 72. Use the metal piece on the
foam, that is on the door to the left and then open that door. You well
be on a catwalk and on the ceiling you well see a hole. This well take
back into the
cell block where you were at before. To the left of the catwalk there is
a shift click on it.
73. Now open the door infront of you and take the acid off the ground to
the left, then exit this room. 74. Go down the shift and you well be in
the ventilation system. Use the chain on the handle infront of you. 75.
Now go left then another left again, you well be in the fan control
room. Use the three levers to turn off the fans and then exit this room.
76. Open the door to the left and keep on going until you come to the
last door where you can take the grease.
77. Now back track your steps until you are back at the opening to the
shift. Use the chain on the handle infront of you, then open the hatch
to the right and turn around.
78. Use the resizer gun on the grease then us the grease on the floor.
79. Go through the airduct until you reach the elevator shift then use
the acid on the elevator brake. 80. Go down the elevator shift, you well
come to a door, on the right wall there is a spindle, use it. 81. Use
the metal piece on the spindle then use the straight jacket on the shade
and last use the straight jacket.
82. Use the scanner on the right then open that door.
83. Use the wrench on the panel to the left of the door then use the axe
on the weight. 84. Use the scanner to the left then open that door and
take the plastic off the floor. 85. Open the door to the right, you well
be in the office 86. Take the bonzai off the table and take the key off
the table. 87. Take the bulb off the floor and then use the bulb with
the torch. 88. Open the door infront of you and then use the tape on the
broken cable to the right. 89. Use the window control panel that is
above were you taped the broken cable. 90. Take the replica off the
91. Chat with the terminal then use the scanner to the left and chat
with the terminal again. 92. Go back to the office and use the button by
the airlock door to the left. 93. Once you are outside the station go as
close to Cara as possible and use the axe on Cara's belt. 94. Once Cara
is free then go back to the outside airlock door and use the red button
by the door. This well unjam the button by the door in the hall.
95. When you are back in the office chat with Cara and give her the food
and the oxygen tank. 96. Go to the hallway and use the button by the
door infront of you and then open the door. You well be in a big hanger.
97. Open the door to the right and take the machinery off the ground and
take the chain off the shelf to the right.
98. Go back into the hanger and open the door to the left and take the
liquor off the table. 99. Open the cupboard to the right and take the
card then exit back to the hanger. 100. Use the card on the control
device in the center of the hanger to bring the hook forward. 101. Use
the resizer gun on the hook. The hook well fall and make an opening in
the hatch. 102. Go to the room were the hook is and use the axe on the
robot arm. 103. Use the machinery on the broken robot arm pit. Then use
the chain on the machinery. Use the chain once more on the bulky
machinery on the ground.
104. Use the switch on the robot and then open the door. 105. Go to the
room to the left in-between the boxes and chat with shorts. Give him the
liquor and he well let you enter the next room.
106. When you are in the room with all the crew, open the door to the
far left and chat with the captain. 107. Go back to the room before you
had a chat with shorts. You well see a door infront of you and that is
behind the robot. Enter the room.
108. When you are infront of the hatch use the axe on the foam that is
to the left of the hatch. 109. Use the scanner by the door where you cut
the foam from then open the door. 110. Use the key on the switch that is
on the left wall. Then use the lever by the switch to turn off the
111. Take the broken crystal off the socket to the right. Then take one
of the good crystals and place it in the socket where the broken crystal
112. Use the glue on the plastic then use the plastic on the tube. 113.
Use the torch on the plastic that you but on the tube. 114. Use the
lever on the left wall to turn the power back on. 115. Go all the way
back to the computer terminal, that is in the room by the office where
the big willow is and chat with the terminal.
116. After you chat with the terminal give it the destruct card. 117.
Now go to the office and go out the airlock door that is on the left.
118. When you are outside the station look up than go forward to the
docking bay. 119. When you are in the docking bay, click on the hatch to
your ship. END OF GAME

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